I revel in revealing, of turning the senses inward to scan,
to wake up, to articulate and differentiate. Yes writing, like asana, provides
the opportunity to access our Wisdom selves by looking meticulously, finding
nuance, learning to adjust and edit, to root, to fly.
As a mover and a witness I am dancing once again on the
breath. Once again, again and again coming home in that way. Layering japa
mantra with breath, layering asana with breath. A question which continually
draws me to the moment is who is moving and who is being moved. Is the breath
moving the motion, inside the asana, and the spaces in-between, or is the
movement carrying the breath?
The sacred art of the yoga has me captivated. The art of
moving in space, with rhythm, finding alignment in bones and energy: dance.
Literature is sometimes the very ocean of milk that I ride into the possibilities
of myth and story to elucidate, sustaining the yearning of heart’s love affair
with all the names of the Divine. And now it seems, I have discovered a voice,
and the chanting, singing, expression of mantra is my liberation! The
wellspring of all this rich material overflows into my own words as expression,
the writing. Om Aim Saraswatiyea Svaha! Forming the beautiful dancing with the
wisdom body, word and asana reveal their gems.
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