Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Self Portrait

Blue eye

Seeing out

Seeing in 







Three eyes



Shape shifter

Friday, April 18, 2014

Kingdom of Heaven

“The science of Yoga brings this message to every one of us, irrespective of our religion, caste, or nationality, that in man there is an immortal soul wherein lie all knowledge, all wealth, all joy, and peace; and also a practical way to achieve in a short time, “the kingdom of heaven within us.” The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, Swami Vishnudevananda

The kingdom of heaven does indeed lie in our perception of the world we live in. As we live in the present grateful and aware, outside of time and space, then we know it is true. The heart of my message is embodiment. The method is hatha yoga following the program of the spine. Landing in our individual bodies, inside the skin of the human experience.

Listen to your body

Listen to your heart

Listen to your guts

Creating reality, manifesting, is the putting together of these moments, following god guidance following intuition, following the pathways through the portals and thresholds to realize your truthful existence. The Sri river ride, banking between dharma and moksha, our mission in life and our own liberation.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Moon Made

Not out, but in was my call by sweet Leo Moon. She comes to me as a perfect valentine by pathway of sparkling, dabbling, full-faced shine, right to my very feet, my seat, my sanctuary. Prepare for sacred art, she said. Be still and rest.

Libra Moon whispered, wake up. Durational art has begun, 36.5 Phases of the Moon. Bhakti yogi art making me ready to play.  Om Namah Shivia!

The Sentinel, Keeper of the Vision, stands partially immersed with Caribbean sea tide level just below her heart. It will rise and lower again on her stillness before she leaves that very particular spot.

With all of my being dedicating the moments to come, blessing Mama the Earth; so grateful for art to hold this place of worship. Akumal, Place of the Turtle, sacred ground, sacred waters being polluted for greed. All I know to do is pray into the dance.

Sadhana in motion when I slip into my seat; a trio of arms spread wide, hearts facing the Standing Woman marking time. Moon globe warms my back, Morning Star luminously bright in the pre-dawn Eastern sky. Moonshine absorbs the light of Venus glimmering on deep blue liquid. Soon her narrow light emerged, laser-like, sparkling my feet into the sea while moon lowered into the Western coconut palms.

Right hand holding three crystals-one a wand, left copal, Venus said step in and dip the stones. Standing between Moon and Planet, Sentinel before me, a counterclockwise dance begins, circling. In the numinous place at the edge where land meets sea, making magic, chanting, praying for this particular place on the planet, for the Water and her creatures, for Earth and her creatures: Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu, May All Beings Be Free of Suffering, May All Beings Be Happy.

Venus moves higher, Moon slips behind the stranded palms; I plant my prayer stick on the open wound. Sentinel holds her Place.

Grateful to be a maker again for a moment: Moon ride.

Inspired by and dedicated to Sarah Cameron Sunde